July 7-11 will forever mark a measurable shift in the lives of 33 individuals, my life included. That week I saw God do things I wasn’t sure He was ever going to do again. I saw first hand the changing power of a mighty and powerful God. It is complicated to even put words, sentences, and phrases together to accurately describe what God really did that week. In fact, we may not know the full impact of our experience with God for years to come. Some things may never be revealed here on earth. I do know one thing; God, the spectacular God that we read about in the Bible, spent a week working on the lives of the adults and young people that went on that trip.
Out of that experience, missionaries, pastors, and Christian leaders were birthed. Out of that experience people found out exactly how life changing the power of God can be and none of us, not one out of the thirty three left that week doubting the power of God.